COBEM 2013 - 22º International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

COBEM 2013 - 22º International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

COBEM, International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, is the most important event in the field of Mechanical Engineering in Latin America, occurring every two years since 1971. This conference brings together researchers and professionals from the areas of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Bioengineering, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Petroleum, Mechatronics and Aerospace Engineering. Originally named as Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecânica, COBEM reached international status in the year of 2001, with an increasing number of international participants. In its twentieth second edition, COBEM 2013 will be hosted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the São Carlos School of Engineering, EESC, of the University of São Paulo, USP, in the modern and thriving city of Ribeirão Preto. The organization of COBEM in 2013 by the São Carlos School of Engineering coincides with the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the beginning of its activities.

Local: Ribeirão Preto, SP
Data: 3 a 7 de novembro de 2013
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