Artificial Lift in Offshore and Deepwater Environments

Artificial Lift in Offshore and Deepwater Environments  

One of the challenges of developing and producing deepwater reserves is how to maximize oil recovery safely and economically. Some form of artificial lift will need to be envisioned to improve recovery during primary or secondary drive mechanisms. Deepwater Artificial Lift technology presents a new set of challenges, such as: well integrity and assurance standards, potentially prohibitive costs, and expensive intervention and maintenance. In addition, there are technical challenges associated with the elevation difference between the reservoir and surface facilities, the lateral challenges of subsea multiphase transport over many kilometers, and the requirement for proactive flow assurance.
This forum is intended to address the issues associated with artificial lift and its role in maximizing oil recovery in offshore and deepwater environments. There will be discussions about unproven ideas and concepts that might foster individual, if not collaborative, research and development. The purpose of the forum is to understand the challenges, to generate ideas, and to provide an opportunity of networking on areas of common interest. The forum will appeal to industry experts in the drilling and completions, subsea and facilities, reservoir engineers, production and operations, and academia.

Local: Rancho Mirage, California, USA
Data: 20 a 25 de outubro de 2013
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