Open calls for UK- Brazil collaborations
calls to promote social and economic development through science and
technology are now open with Brazil as one of the partner countries for
the Newton Fund initiatives. Deadline for submission is November 20, 2014 (2PM Brasilia / 4PM UK time).
Newton Institutional Links
Newton Institutional Links are grants that aim at promoting
sustainable relationships through de development of research and
innovation collaboration between British and Brazilian Institutions in
thematic areas that are critical for the Brazilian economic development
and social welfare. |
Grants will be up to £300,000 over two years and will cover
collaborations between the UK and Brazil. Grants can cover costs which
support research and innovation collaboration, including:
- the exchange of researchers, students and industry staff
- the costs of organising meetings, seminars, training
- other activities to establish and strengthen collaborative links.
Other activities can also be funded. For a full list of eligible and ineligible costs, please read the British Council guidelines.
In 2014, the Institutional Links programme launched two calls for
Brazil, which are led by CAPES and SAE (Secretaria de Assuntos
Priority Areas
CAPES call (grants up to £300,000) :
- New Drug Discovery, neglected diseases or medical conditions affecting low income populations
SAE call (one grant up to £150,000) :
More information in the British Council website. |
Newton Researcher Links
We are inviting Leading Researcher to propose themes for bilateral
workshops, which will bring together early career researchers from the
UK and Brazil to discuss their research and start to build international
relationships. Successful workshops will receive funding, and the
applicants (leading researchers) will be responsible for organising the
The priority areas for cooperations between UK and Brazil are:
- Advanced therapies for treatment of chronic diseases: cellular and gene therapies
- Nanotechnology applied to public health issues
More information in the British Council site
CNPq and CONFAP are the local partners for the currently open
Researcher Links call. Other calls may be led by other partners or fund
different priority themes.
Fonte: Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção - UFF
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